Okay, so I’ve been messing around with Astroneer again lately, and I wanted to get some Helium. I remembered it being a pain to collect, but figured, “Hey, I’m better at this game now, it’ll be easy!” Famous last words, right?
First, I had to find the darn Atmospheric Condenser. I knew I had crafted it before, but I couldn’t, for the life of me, remember where I put the thing. I searched around my base, dug through all my storage containers… nothing. Eventually, I gave up and just built a new one. Resources aren’t that scarce, thankfully.
So, I plunked the condenser down, turned it on, and… nothing. I forgot you needed power! Duh. Luckily, I had a spare medium generator, so I hooked that up. Still nothing. It took me a embarrassingly long time, to figure it out, I also needed an empty canister in the machine, too!
- Build Atmospheric Condenser (if you can’t find your old one).
- Connect it to a power source (medium generator works great).
- Put an empty canister in the condenser.
Finally, the machine whirred to life. I checked the little screen on the condenser and watched as it slowly started filling up. It really takes a while, which I’d also forgotten. The screen will display what atmospheric gasses are in you planet, as well as the PPM(parts per million). So, I went off to do other things, figuring I’d come back later.
I think I waited, like, half an hour, maybe more. When I came back, I had a full canister of… well, it wasn’t Helium. Turned out, I was on Sylva, the starting planet, and Sylva doesn’t have Helium in its atmosphere! Total facepalm moment.
So, I packed up my condenser, my generator, and a bunch of empty canisters, and blasted off to Glacio. I knew Glacio had Helium, because I’d vaguely remembered seeing it in a list online. The landing was a bit rough (I’m still not great at landing), but I managed to get everything set up again.
This time, I made sure to check the condenser’s screen before I wandered off. Yep, Helium was there, slowly but surely filling up the canister. Success! It took forever, but I finally got my Helium. Now, I can finally finish making that… uh… thing I needed it for. I forgot what I needed it for.
Tips Recap:
- Glacio is your best friend for Helium.
- Condenser needs power and an empty canister.
- Bring lots of empty canisters.
- Be patient. It’s slow.
- Remember what planet has what gas.
Anyways, that’s my slightly embarrassing Helium-gathering adventure. Hopefully, this helps someone else avoid my mistakes!